Retaining Walls

Material Types

Blocks, Timbers, Rock, Concrete, for facing retaining walls, the most common materials are brick, manmade stone, natural stone, stucco, and concrete.


Check local codes.
Be sure to check any State, Local, or HOA codes and restrictions for an outdoor fireplace.

Create a Design
determine width, length, depth, and height of retaining walls.

The success of your retaining wall depends on a level base. To create a solid foundation, dig a trench for the first course of your interlocking retaining wall blocks. Make sure the ground remains even throughout.

Begin digging into the ground with a shovel.

The trench should be deep enough to bury at least half the height of your first course of blocks as they sit on a 2- to 3-inch base of gravel. Depending on the size of your blocks, this depth will be about 4 to 6inches.

The trench should be twice as wide as a single block.
Once you’ve dug the trench, compact it with a hand tamper or vibrating plate compactor.
Place a standard level on a 2 x 4 in the trench to ensure that the bottom is smooth and level.

Lay the Base
Due to soil erosion, your retaining wall should be built on a solid foundation made from gravel.

Choose gravel that has stones sized between 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch.

Fill the trench with a 2- to 3-inch layer of gravel.

Use a rake to ensure the stones are evenly distributed.

Tamp the base with your tamper to make sure it’s evenly compacted.

Lay the First Course of Blocks
Cut End Blocks
Lay Additional Courses
Install drain pipe and backfill for proper drainage.
Finishing touches, add caps clean